(for Trekkies Date: May 4, 2024)

We did it! Below the conference feed – enjoy:
Now it is time to submit your paper:
Submit your contribution here: https://forms.gle/y9Yg2yEcr7pm4Ggn7
Template book contribution:
Remember your selected category:
Peer-Reviewed Academic Contributions: These can include research papers, case studies, and theoretical explorations that contribute to the body of knowledge on media, arts and design in relation to the conference theme. 8 – 24 pages incl. abstract and references
Position Papers (Editor-Reviewed): We also invite position papers / use-cases that present thought-provoking ideas, debates, or reflections on the role of media, arts and design in addressing contemporary global challenges. 4 – 20 pages incl. abstract and references
Poster Sessions & Short Papers (Editor-Reviewed): In addition to our traditional offerings, we are excited to introduce a third category for presenting research: short online poster sessions, accompanied by the opportunity to submit a corresponding short paper. 4 – 8 pages incl. abstract and references
Next steps and deadlines for the book contribution:
Full paper submission deadline: 31.07.2024
All reviews finished and forwarded : 30.9.2024
Final paper due: 31.10.2024
Eventually “second round” with authors: 30.11.2024
Book online open access: early december 2024
Book in hands of main authors: Winter Holidays 2024
Schedule in Central European Summer Time (UTC+2) (Current Local Time in Vienna, Austria)
Public-Viewing at University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria:
We will have a simple setup in Room C 2.08, equipped with a coffee machine and a selection of snacks. While the offerings are modest, the focus is more on the opportunity to meet and mingle rather than gourmet dining. Feel free to bring your own food and beverages if you prefer something specific. #Heurigenkultur 🙂
In-House Audience Gathering at Drexel University’s Antoinette Westphal College, Philadelphia: Exclusive to Invited PhD Researchers and Staff:
Additionally, there will be an in-house audience at the Department of Digital Media, Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts and Design, Drexel University in Philadelphia, USA. This portion of the event is exclusive to invited PhD researchers and staff only.
Main chairs & book editors:
University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria: Alexander Pfeiffer | Natalie Denk | Michaela Wawra | Thomas Wernbacher and Helmut Neundlinger
Department of Digital Media, Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts and Design, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA: Nicholas Jushchyshyn and Michael Wagner
Independent Researcher, Student at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kollam, India: Nanditha Krishna
in-scope GmbH: Klaus Neundlinger
Committee members:
University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria: Edith Blaschitz | Viola Rühse | Eva Mayr | Olga Kolokytha
University of Malta: Alexiei Dingli | Stephen Bezzina
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts: André Thomas
Masaryk University: Hana Pokojna | Simone Kriglstein
Hochschule der Künste Bern: Arno Görgen
FH St. Pölten: Lukas Daniel Klausner
The call:
Call for Contributions: Media, Arts and Design (MAD) 2024 Conference
Theme: “What if we can be heroes, just for one day?” – 04.05.2024 – Star Wars Day 2024
The conference will be primarily online, conducted through Zoom, and co-hosted by the Emerging Technologies Experiences Lab/Center for Applied Game Studies at the University of Continuing Education in Krems, Austria, and Drexel University’s Westphal College of Media, Arts & Design in Philadelphia, USA.
Submit your abstract here: https://forms.office.com/e/hCeNwLkDTW